Wednesday 30 June 2010


Overall I have some what enjoyed using 3Dsmax, It was interesting to use, and seeing what you can accomplish on it interested me,
I found the software quite complex and hard to get used to. I needed alot of help, and kept forgetting how to use certain things, which frustrated me alot, because I wanted to learn how to use it properly, and be able to create my own things, but I feel I do not have the patience to learn. I would easily get distracted and give up.
I became more involved when I had written instructions, I found it easier to follow and didn't need as much as help as before because it was all written down for me, and if I did make a mistake I could retrace my steps and try to work out where I had gone wrong, instead of asking for help.
I am pleased with the things I have created and animated using this software. creating a tank was interesting, yet difficult. For a first try I think I did well, even though some things were missed off, like the gun, but im still happy, it looks like a tank, and Im happy the way it animated.

My 3D simple tank

This tank was the simple version of the detailed tank. we also animated this tank to move down a path then move its gun from left to right. Animating the tank was quite complex, and I found it quite hard, but after having written instructions to help me I found it easier to follow, and if i did make a mistake, I could evaluate where I had gone wrong and re trace backwards.
I found it easier to follow this way.

3D houses

This house was fairly simple to create, as it is only two standard shapes, I did struggle with the texture mapping of the house.
I found it difficult and easy to forget. I think my house could of looked better if I had more time to work on it. I found myself getting easily frustrated with it.

The second house was an attempt to change it and make it look better using photoshop, by changing the colour of the doors to give it more of a terraced house feel, I think it looks abit better, but still not as good as it could of looked if I had more time and more patience to work with it.

My first creation using 3Dsmax

This is the first thing I created using the 3Dsmax. The first 3 things on the right was just experimenting with all the standard shapes and movements.
The snowman was what i created after I became familiar with the basic controls and creating shapes.
For a first attempt of using the software I was quite impressed of what you could achieve and do, and was excited to learn more.

Detailed tank complete

This is the final result of my tank in still frame. I am pleased with the outcome, I am aware that there is more I could of done to improve the quality of it, like adding a gun to the top, and texture mapping the whole of the tank. But for a first time attaempt I feel happy with what I have done.

references for texture mapping my detailed tank